Learn to use masculine and feminine energy, your mind and soul, as well as evolving your sense of purpose to create the life you want -
- Dimensions of Wealth
- Yoga of the Mind
- The Power of the Feminine - 12 Mansions of Life and Soul
- Living Truth and Purpose
Dimensions of Wealth
Learn the art of natural manifesting. This is a method which aligns us with universal design which is benevolence and abundance.
Wealth is both tangible and intangible. It includes having enough money to do whatever we want, as well as having the capacity to enjoy the earth, care for our families, have great friends, and a real sense of who I am and who= I am here.
Discover the five dimensions of wealth creation and how to work with them to cultivate a life filled with not only the physical abundance you desire, but also whatever circumstance will make your heart the happiest.
Yoga of the Mind
Gain a deeper understanding of the nature of consciousness and how to work with your consciousness for greater peace, health, wisdom, purpose, and connection with your truth.
Yoga means union and in this context is about how we can use the mind in new ways to help us to attain peace and deep inner connection to the wellspring of inspiration and reassurance that is always there, just waiting to be discovered.
The mind is an incredible ally but just like fire, it can be treacherous when it gets out of control. In this program you will learn ancient techniques to erase negative thought patterns, fears and self defeating ideas and beliefs. Perceptible changes in consciousness frequently occur during this seminar, and life changes afterwards are often profound. Break free of old grudges and negative habits and put in place new healthy foundations.
The Power of the Feminine
12 Mansions of Life and Soul. Life is a classroom and a vehicle for our soul’s evolution.
Calling on the power of your soul and the stillness of your essence we coalesce the magnetic power known to the ancient seers. We enter into the flow of grace and put together everything we have learned on our path thus far.
This is a manifesting program unlike any other.
During this groundbreaking program we will be working to make our corner of creation a better place. During this program we will -
- Learn about the spiral path of creation
- Align our ideas of wealth creation with those of the Universe
- Explore twelve mansions of the souls wealth
- The feminine path to creativity
- The spiral path and law of cycles
- Exploring our vibration and exalting our spirit
- Who am I
- Money, Finance and Values
- Community, neighbors and siblings
- Home life, upbringing and family
- Creativity and children
- Health, daily routines, pets
- Contracts and commitments, Marriage
- Vulnerabilities, debts, taxes, in-laws, the hidden side of life, the arcane, secrets
- Higher learning, cultures, international travel
- Carreer and vociation, legacy
Living Truth and Purpose
Details forthcoming.