What is Satsang?
Satsang is an experience for your heart and soul, open to all, no matter your experience level or faith.
Our Satsang facilitators will meditate upon the session in advance and through their training and Divine connection they will pull in teachings, practices, group healing and sacred music that will feel just right to the group gathered on the day.
Our usual format is a greeting and song, a story or teaching, a meditation and clearing, then grace bank. Grace bank is where some of the long term spiritual practitioners join together their hearts and spirits and merge with those who seek energetic blessing. Blessings are given on the crown and ajna chakras to stimulate and activate the energy centers, bringing more joy and bliss and often an awakening to new perceptions, and an expanded sense of self. Blessor, blessed and blessing become one. It is very respectful and non-hierarchical, coming from a philosophical base of uniting our souls in communion with the Infinite. It is an effective way to cultivate rapid spiritual development for all concerned.
Sharing time in Satsang with a community, dissolves the sense of separateness, the cause of much suffering, and hastens you towards inner peace.
Satsang is run each Sunday at 8am online, 10:30am at Shanti Mission Harmony Centre, Cooranbong and monthly at Henley Community Centre, Sydney. Please see the Events Calendar for upcoming dates.
Gather with like-minded people for a transformational experience that includes -
Meditating gives us intuitional insights and connects us with peace beyond the reach of speech and mind. And when done together in a group, creates a strong atmosphere allowing for deeper meditation and a richer experience.
Chanting is a great way to raise your vibration, so at times we use the power of sacred sound and nada shakti to ‘lift and shift’ blockages in our conscious and unconscious landscape. Sound is energy and our system responds to the sounds and vibrations of Sanskrit chants. Listening to these sounds has a rejuvenating effect on the body, mind and spirit.
Inspiring, uplifting, high-vibrational music and kirtan allows you to let go of what doesn’t serve you. Feel liberated from old patterns of behaviour and begin to fine tune your connection to your own soul.
A discourse is a talk or teaching given to help us to live our lives with more ease and grace. By sitting in Satsang led by Shakti Durga, your vision, speech, and even your thoughts will be elevated. Discourse can include stories, reflections or spiritual teachings relevant to the time and place.
Energy Healing
Experience weekly Satsang online or in-person, as we all share space to relax, let go of stress and negativity, and raise our vibration.
If you would like to donate for a recorded Satsang Donate Here