- Dharma - The Root of Satisfaction
- The Sacred Tree of Life: Introduction to the Kabbalah
- Inner Alchemy - Turning Lead into Gold
- Sacred Activision
Dharma - The Root of Satisfaction
Dharma is a fascinating and subtle topic which helps us to unfold the deepest truth of who we were born to be.
It is multifaceted, but it is essentially our own path of right living. It involves the concept of turning towards the light in our hearts and souls no matter what is happening. Dharma is said to underpin everything in our lives.
Originating from the wisdom that was laid down in the Vedas, Dharma refers to teachings, values, obligations, duties, the laws, justice, and everything related to the sustaining of a high vibration of life and beingness. Living in accordance with our dharma, means living with our souls enlivened and exalted in our lives. It means living our truth, and embodying our soul’s purpose for incarnation.
If we are looking to find meaning in our lives, if we want to experience deep satisfaction and progress, we can look no further than dharma.
This program, often given in retreat format, will involve:
- Understanding of the gross and subtle nature of dharma
- Mantra practice including the sacred root sound of Om
- Divine program and blessings
- Dharma teachings
- Self-inquiry and reflection
- Connection to the ‘river within’
- Time in nature
- Participation in service team
- World service practices
- Reflections upon the ‘road less travelled’ and further awakening
- The heart and Dharma
- Surrender and Re-awakening of Shanti Mission dharma portal
- Ceremony for world healing and peace
Everything and everyone has a purpose. For instance, it is the dharma of the sun to shine warmth and radiance into our world. It is the dharma of fire to be hot and burn, and the dharma of water to be wet and flowing. The dharma of a bee is to pollinate flowers, the dharma of a bull to mate with his cows and the dharma of a mountain to provide shelter, weather conditions and magnificence.
Fulfilment of dharma is not always convenient or easy, but it is the key to lasting happiness and wholeness. Dharma is your mission, your contribution to the whole. It is the spiritual reality that gives shape to life and for which the resources you need will flow as you let yourself experience it. In this way, dharma is the key to the next cycle of abundance, where you are in the Divine flow.
Beyond all other definitions of dharma, it is a royal road to self-realisation. The path of dharma for each person is their own personal route to the ultimate liberation. Following our dharma equips us with the capacity to merge back into the Godhead or Brahman, through the paradox of becoming our most whole, unique self.
Earth is a school for the soul. What are we here to learn? That depends upon who you are. Some parts of the curriculum are for everyone. Then, there are electives. The same electives are not for everyone, but if we pay attention we will come into awareness of the subtle fields of dharma and the vast array of opportunities it presents to us for righteous living and wise actions, of both a subtle and gross nature.
The Sacred Tree of Life: Introduction to the Kabbalah
Kabbalah has at its heart a mystical tree, upon which we evolve and have our multi-dimensional being.
The image of a tree is at the heart of the Western Mysteries. The tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life are said to be the exits and entry points to the Garden of Eden, the perfected world from which we came into being here on Earth, and to which we return.
Forever seeking equilibrium, we are subjected to powerful forces urging us to greater heights and dissolving our limitations in an interactive life process. Bit by bit our subjective and personal experience of life on Earth grows more supernal, until we are able to anchor heaven on Earth for ourselves and others and again be one with the Eternal Light from which we emanated.
Kabbalistic teachings help us to understand -
- Understand the dimensions of the inner world and the types of life existing in each
- Correlate our experiences of mind and body, spirit and soul with Ancient wisdom for self awareness and empowerment to grace
- Understanding the dynamic role of opposite forces in the creation of our lives and our characters
- The forces of evil and how they gain access to the individual and collective life
- Evolutionary forces inside our own beings
Inner Alchemy
The ways of the western alchemist.
The Sun King and The Moon Queen are personifications of the archetypal polarities of masculine and feminine within us, which relate to different parts of our psyche. The wondrous marriage of these two parts of Self, is a significant component of the Alchemist’s journey of enlightenment, bringing the ‘birth’ of the Golden Child. Polarity becoming reconciled into wholeness or Oneness is the purpose of our existence – the yearning to ‘go home’ or ‘come home’ that exists within the heart of each of us.
Sacred Activism
This advanced program is for those who wish to surrender to the Infinite and play their part in bringing healing, grace, transformation and awakening into the public sphere of our collective life.
Above politics and the chasm of ‘red and blue’ or ‘liberal and labor’ this is about the true essence of how the great initiates of old found their way working quietly behind the scenes to alleviate suffering and lift institutions, collective thought and really made a difference to the communal life. This program challenges us to see both sides, and be an alchemist who is transforming ‘lead into gold’ promoting outcomes that uplift everyone.