Move beyond the mind into realms of consciousness that we can access through the heart and soul -
- Heart of Gold
- The Universal Laws of Life
- Hallmarks of Spiritual Mastery
Heart of Gold
By Gayatri Kamadenhu
Discover the many physical, mental, emotional and relational benefits of an open heart. Learn how to cultivate the strength, love, compassion and joy of your heart chakra and find more of the truth of your being through the sweetness and courage it yields.
The Universal Laws of Life
An eye-opening, heart-opening, soul-brightening exploration of the ways of the universe and of our part in it.
Learn the rules of the game of life. The twelve spiritual laws are part of the fabric of creation itself. We cannot avoid them, so we need to learn to understand and embrace them.
When we start to work with the laws of the universe, the universe starts to work with us in new and exciting ways. Anything becomes possible, and we can draw from the unified field of all possibilities and play our part in creating beauty, harmony, grace and peace for ourselves and others.
Text: Spiritual Mastery by Shakti Durga
Hallmarks of Spiritual Mastery
Embark on a profound, transformational journey, cultivating mental, emotional and spiritual mastery to enable greater peace, love, prosperity and joy in your life.
This acclaimed program will show you the big picture and where you can work most strategically to ensure that your life experience is uplifted and transformed and your connection to Source permanently enhanced.
What is spiritual mastery? If we are interested in spiritual progress, what should we be aspiring to? What will bring us the greatest change internally and externally?
Measure your own progress in each of the 12 hallmarks of mastery. For each Hallmark, you will clearly understand what we are seeking to attain, as well as how to avoid the pitfalls on the path.
Practices which support each hallmark of spiritual mastery are explained and vibrant spiritual energy helps us to absorb the teachings to transform our experience of life.
You will also learn where you can go and about resources available to support you to further your mastery in the areas of your choosing and calling.
Text: Spiritual Mastery by Shakti Durga