This pathway is for those who wish to evolve spiritually and this has become the core calling, the inescapable conclusion and the pull of spirit and soul is so strong that wild horses could not stop us from seeking more Divine connection and to be an instrument through which the Divine can work its wonders on this Earth.
- Initiation - The Call of Higher Destiny
- Mantras for Awakening
- Archangels: Anchoring Heaven on Earth
- Life Beyond Form
Initiation - The Call of Higher Destiny
This wonderful program explains many sacred mysteries around the role of the enlightened sage, the mystic and the seer.
Leaning into the Western mysteries and also borrowing from the incandescent teachings of India, this program will open your heart and soul to more love than you ever thought possible, and a field of possibilities to do with unity consciousness and awakening beyond anything in the western mass consciousness.
Students who are ready will be given a spiritual name as part of this sacred rite of passage, from who we were programmed to be to the radiant and magnificent self that our Higher Soul knows is our destiny. And when the flame is lit, we pass it on.
Mantras for Awakening
Details forthcoming.
Archangels: Anchoring Heaven on Earth
A new program involving the Archangelic Meditation, working with Archangels, cardinal points and elements.
V diagram
Creating a vision
The Law of Karma
Ceremony and Archangels (Extension: the Kabbalah in the Initiates path)
Earth Angels and seva
We will see how the totality of consciousness stretches well beyond the conscious mind and how we can find the Kingdom of Heaven within -
- Learn to work with the Archangels to embody the miraculous and create wonders
- Handle transitions from the life we knew that was embroiled with mass consciousness limitations and open into a new field of possibilty with a road map of how to get there,
- Create your own vision and document it simply and effectively, adding in some of the profound wisdom of the Ancients to underline your desire for the benevolent universe to help us to attain
- Learn how we can work constructively with karma and free ourselves from old loops and dead ends
- Mantra
- Ceremony
Life Beyond Form
Details forthcoming.