A School of the Sun
When we have substantially healed our lives, completed our foundation and made peace with the powerful forces that have shaped us, a new calling may arise.
From the deep essence of the higher soul, comes the spirit guided quest for expansion of consciousness, merging with the Infinite and cultivating more love than we ever may have believed would be possible.
Aware that much of what she was opening into was beyond the current western paradigm, Shakti Durga founded an initiatory mystery school for the study of the Perennial wisdom of both east and west. Shamanism and the deep vein of Indian spirituality intersected with western mysteries including alchemy and kabbalah and from the Ancient wisdom came a new weaving. Practical, musical, experiential, principled, bringing deep connection to nature and essence, steeped in unconditional love,
Our objective in mystery school is to play our part in the unfolding plan of peace, to be able to transform ‘lead’ into ‘gold’ and bring wholeness. We are loving sacred activists working together on our own piece of the vast jigsaw puzzle of life on Earth, of awakening to the sacred in everyone and everything. Our fuel is hope and faith, our objectives arise from a yearning to create a better world, empowered through acceptance of how things are but not wavering from our vision of how they could be.
As we learn, heal and transform, we become catalysts for things to happen differently. The Divine works through us in ways we could never have imagined. We hold that energy for anyone who would benefit from it. Shanti Mission is a state of being, the calling of those seeking this road home, an open minded path for mystical seekers who want to help heal divides, who reach out an inclusive hand to help others in accordance with the yearning of the heart to make a difference. We do spiritual practices for strength and insight, to make our life a jewel of kindness, service and love. The mystery school is for mature spiritual seekers looking for community, guidance, expansion of consciousness and profound connection and understanding of the forces of life itself. Like Shakti Durga, members become vehicles and instruments for the sacred: sharing healing, wholeness, cohesiveness and the fruits of Divine awakening.

What is a Mystery School?
Mystery school is a place for those who feel an inner calling to become the ‘hollow bone’ or ‘Krishna’s flute’ through which the Divine can sing the song of time and creation, to bring forth a new golden age even amid the turmoil of our current Worldly existence. It is for the spiritual empowerment of people who want to merge ever more deeply with the Divine, serve others and make life on Earth better for all. It is also a pathway to a different future, not just in this life but in lives yet to come.
Shanti Mystery School is advanced spiritual instruction with Shakti Durga and is open to those who have completed all other courses and who wish to dedicate themselves to the mission of peace.
Get ready to contemplate, illuminate and fly on wings of love into an experience of union and bliss.
We are calling to those who have a yearning to go beyond the view of the apparent world and to explore the world of the spirited soul. To those who enjoy the feeling of authentic spiritual transmission and opening to that which is timeless, boundlessly creative, inspiring and the beingness of love.
Calling to the spiritual seeker, the lover of nature, light, Earth, colour and sound. We call your awakening participatory presence in the dance of creation. Life is a mystery and we are here to unravel and savour this precious gift. Within the currents of creation, we can harvest the blessings of the higher vibrational road, alchemising lead into gold and awakening to Christ/Krishna consciousness.
What lies within and beyond our current awareness is vast. Discover it for yourself on this sacred pathway.
Are you...
- Looking for a dedicated spiritual path, with spiritual seekers who are not tied to one narrow tradition but embrace the Ancient wisdom from diverse traditions?
- Seeking a path that helps you to find your own unique essence, honing your gifts and talents, spirit and soul into exultation and self realisation?
- Looking for an inclusive spiritual community that comes together in a spirit of enquiry, devotion, play and joy? Who helps each other over the bumps in the road?
- Seeking what lies beyond the limiting confines of the mind, finding the sacred path of the awakened heart and soul?
- Interested in activating your latent potential to expand your consciousness and play your part in the unfolding plan of peace?
- Willing to learn, grow, transform and enter into the sacred mysteries?
Shanti Mystery School provides spiritual activation and training for committed seekers of self realisation with a modern approach, guided by a living Mystic. Mystics of any tradition receive higher teachings and illumination, and work with Divine beings in a safe way.
We are all Light Bearers
Shanti Mission courses provide keys - insights, skills and practices -- to unlock that light and help it blaze. Partaking in these courses, students become empowered to use soulful techniques to transform their own consciousness, and thus their experience of every aspect of their lives.
Our courses will assist you to blossom – discovering greater joy, love and peace than ever before.
Celebrate Our Differences
Be part of the co-creation of a diverse and loving global family that honours and celebrates all spiritual paths.
Compassionate Action
We will equip you to play your part in the unfolding of a new paradigm of kindness, consciousness and compassionate action.
“Shakti Durga is a brilliant, hilarious teacher who boils down infinite cosmic mysteries to clear, easy to grasp practical teachings. Her love, genius and hilarity are as rare as lightning in a bottle. She is God’s gift to spiritual seekers who have been lost in the desert without water or a map. Instant Oasis!”
“Shakti Durga taught with grace and beauty, her vast love and wisdom helped us to weave the light and dark of our own lives and find the gold within ourselves.”